I do not know what it is ...
But somehow it manages to be as messy when I'm finished with the cleaning, as it was before I started. This time I'll blame it all on Rikard. He made an omelet, he ate some sandwiches, he drank my milk and complained about all the things that happend last night to him, how he lost his cellphone, his wallet and how he woke up in Södertälje on the train without any train ticket.. How he needed to pay 1200:- to SL, poor thing. He used my phone and he used my computer. So, now can I blame it all on Rikard... he has already been taken alot of crap today, so my crap is just more or less.
This week i have to:
- Eat dinner with Alexandra! She is coming over with a computer, so thank you very much for that one Ronny!
- Go to my Intern, and pretend that I like it.
- Go on Birka Paradise with Johanna.
- Go and have a internday on a saturday.. kill me plz.
- Go out on Saturday night. Im free from Kevin, so if I don't have to much of a hangover from the boat, than I'm going out again.
I blame it all on Rikard.
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